
Thursday, 11 December 2014

A poem about love and change by David Tombale: Gravity

Love doesn’t just make you blind, it changes the way you see the world around you and that effect is what Gravity tries to describe.


There are days when even sunsets are more
beautiful than the string of pearls that rest
against your chest, when the sunlight turns
golden brown and the loud hails of taxi horns
recede into the background of forest sounds,
the call of barn owls and the baying of hunting

There are evenings when you toss the unruly
strands of your black hair and I wish to crush them
between my fingers and take the scent of you deep
into my lungs like air that clears this poison that invades
my pores and fills me out until small explosions
blind my eyes,

they tore you from me once when I prayed you’d hear me out,
listen now, there is no gravity to hold me down,
no calls to summon me,
the entire world has ceased to turn and there amidst all that silence
is the heavy thump of our beating hearts.

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