
Sunday, 5 January 2014

A contemplative life poem by David Tombale: About a girl

This contemplative life poem was inspired by a song by Fort Minor, I can't remember which one but the contrast between the warmth and the cold experienced by these two characters as expressed by their settings just moved me.
About a girl

There is tonight a cascade of raindrops
that fall unloved upon this sun cooked
pavement. They fall and flow into gutters
filled with the refuse of the day and walking
silently beside them is a girl with skin
the colour of falling snow, questing and
oddly silent nobody knows where she
must go.

There is perhaps someone waiting
but the tears that run a trail up from her
dress speak of nothing, no one’s holding
out their hand.

I watch her from the warmth of a hotel
room. I put my fingers out as if I can touch
her and see her turning as if we shared a
moment but now she’s leaving, the shadows
stretching to receive her, I grab my hat
up off the dresser racing down the stairs
as I go to meet her.

I tumble out into the street but there is
nothing left out but an imprint of her feet.
I race down the alleys searching for a
girl as families make merry before their
feasts, I need to find her there’s a question
she keeps hidden in her hands, an answer
I want to understand.

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